I found these photos while looking for an old document. They brought back a ton of memories. I’ll add more as time permits.
Doug Dillard on Hoyt’s BusRecording vocals w. HoytThe Bears at the Palomino 1983Mae AxtonHoyt & MaeMae Axton 1993Hoyt_Band_Reunion_2010?Bread & Roses, Greek Theater, Berkley CA, 1977Mr. Hank BarrioMr. Dennis FetchetHoyt’s 1955 Greyhound Super ScenicruiserRhys Clark, Hoyt, Dianna DeWitt on the busAlaska St. Fair, Palmer Alaska, 1980?Dennis Fetchet and Rhys Clark – Hoyt Reunion rehearsal, The AlleySnapshots from a few days ago…